Cinkov ricinoleat je cinkova sol ricinoleinske kisline, ki jo priodbivamo iz ricinusovega olja. Uporaben je predvsem v dezodorantih, saj veže neprijetne vonje, deluje adstringentno in protimikrobno. Ne preprečuje potenja in ohranja naravno kožno floro. V dezodorantih ga uporabimo do 1,5-3 %.
Zinc ricinoleate works in that it chemically fixes (traps & absorbs) odor molecules formed during bacterial decomposition of perspiration. It does not inhibit transpiration and is therefore not an antipersipirant. Zinc ricinoleate has no bactericidal or fungicidal properties. Therefore it does not interfere with the natural flora of the skin.
Primeren za emulzijske sisteme, raztopimo ga v oljni fazi.
Tališče: 71°C.
pH vrednost 6.6.
Biološka razgradljivost 99%.